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The bunch of friends behind it all.

profile picture

Tomas Luko

  • Founder
  • Project Management
  • PR and Digital Marketing
  • Aspirational triathloner
  • Big dog lover
team member

Rita Dulen

  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Blogging
  • Lover of jewellery
  • Owner of too many shoes
team member

Darren Colman

  • Full Stack Developer
  • IT Support
  • Aspirational jazz singer
  • Boy racer
  • Cyclist


It is only fun if it is done with passion and excitement that it deserves.

We are constantly surrounded by things. And they tend to serve different purposes: to relax, to do our job or to look after ourselves. Here we would like to concentrate on things that make you happy, that give you meaning and the ones that help you create moments of appreciation.

Knowing a little about where your things came from, who made them and how it relates to the local community will make a difference in how you look at your surroundings. Made in Europe is about passionate makers, rich history and heritage that is appreciated by many.

It is easy for artisans, small family-run businesses to drown in the noise of today’s digital world. This project started to give you an oasis where you can discover those unique things at your pace – by learning and getting inspired on European heritage and innovation.


Ways to support us if you like our cause.

There are several ways you can support us.

Share your discovery - if you buy a unique product or learn about an interesting European maker -do share it with us. Fill one of the forms or send me an email at tomas@itismadeineurope.com.

Join the team - we are a social bunch. There is a commercial side that requires freelancers, but most of our work on this site is done by volunteers. They love the idea of sharing their discovery in the form of a product review, a blog post or even the country guide - more on the Join The Team page.

Buy what you like - by buying a unique European product you have discovered on this site, you support us by clicking on affiliate links, or the makers by going directly to their websites and rewarding them with your purchase.


Commercial support for higher profits.

Our commercial team and a list of reliable freelancers also here to help the businesses and makers. We feel that many artisans craftsmen need a little help in contemporary Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Online Presence and even Distribution. Hence we rolled up our sleeves and already helped many businesses to increase their exposure and revenues.

There are a lot of opportunities in distribution too. We find it again and again that small business, artisan makers and even small manufacturers do not utilise opportunities with large online platforms, drop shipping models and process improvements.

And lastly, we have partners in the USA and can help launch new products in this largest market with loads of new opportunities.

To learn more, get in touch or visit our Consulting page.


There is no hate towards anyone

To address some of the concerns we heard about, this project is not about hate. It is not here to dis anyone, any country or any product not made in Europe.

All countries make interesting, innovative and unique things. We are simply focusing on the European history, makers and its unique products.

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