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Romantic Gift Ideas From Europe

I hope you do not feel like you are 'in the pickle' because you need to impress your sweet lady and you have not idea how.

I am not, know it all romance guru. But I do have few ideas that I think could drive most sensible ladies epic. Ok, maybe not all of them, but surely there are quite a few sweet and lovely things to appreciate in a romantic setting.

I do believe that there is a lot of romance about Europe and especially some specific countries like France. Interestingly, I increasingly see more and more excitement about Scandinavia and Scotland too, for example. I hope it will give you some ideas.


Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

It is difficult to understand what makes one item more romantic than the other. That's is why it is quite useful to look at every gift idea through a lens of your relationship. Things like experiences, jokes, movies and activities together can easily link to your next romantic gift.

Also, it can be useful to think about how you will present it, don't just go 'here is your gift'. Think about the story of your gift, the joke or the setting that will create romantic associations too.

Luxury Umbrella From Sweden

Have you noticed how often romantic movie scenes involve rain? There is something special about it. A lot of us see it as an unpleasant time. But Hollywood has engrained that it can be a lot of fun too.

Hence I think that a really special umbrella has a potential to be a romantic gift which is appreciated for years to come. Just think about it, every time it is raining she will think about you by admiring and appreciating this great looking luxury umbrella.

These Carl Dagg limited edition umbrellas made with natural wood and leather elements, by the last remaining umbrella factory in Sweden.

It is also about how you present it - why not watch 'Singing In The Rain' on youtube or play Rihanna's "Umbrella" when presenting this gift.

Linen Bed Sheets From Lithuania

Lithuania is a country that has been using linen before cotton became popular in Europe. It still kept its linen growing industry and hence today is a very important part of the new excitement about linen.

Linen, you see, has several properties that makes it better than cotton. It is more resistant to bacteria growth, it dries out faster and it has this unique texture that is appreciated by many today.

Linen Tales is a specialised linen shop, and I would suggest their bedding for unique colour pallet of their linen bed sheets. Have you ever thought of how would 'stone washed pink lavender' colour look like?

Every woman would appreciate such natural gift, with unique texture and these colours. I did not realise how exciting it can be, until I got one for my girlfriend.

Customised Shoes By An Artist In Camden

Koko Art is doing something unique - they got a bunch of artisans personalising several types of shoes. It is an arty take on shoes that a lot of girls will definitely find cute and sweet. Especially, if you mention that these guys are based in Camden - artsy and funky hub in London, UK.

They will customise your chosen shoes to the likes, hobbies or desires that she might have. It could be animals, interests or even lifestyle choices. Another option is to put a portrait of her in animated or black and white style - surely that will make those shoes special.

To make it truly romantic I would suggest think of something that you guys like to do together - for example horse riding, cycling or jogging in the park. Or think of a favourite spot you kissed for the first time or like to hang out. And then allow the artist to put their twist to it.

Contemporary Leather Bracelet, Made In Paris

Paris talks the language of love. There probably is not a single women in the world that is not thinking of going to Paris one day. Hence, the fact that this bracelet, which was crafted in Paris, now sits on her hand - it can feel truly special.

I love the fact that Ursul created this unique contemporary style that really stands out. It is elegant, it has a story and it comes from a loved one - what else can a woman expect from her man?

To make it extra romantic, you can also get a bracelet designed for men. It has a similar design idea, but in a more manly style. Then you would be a couple with matching bracelets from Paris - romance is in the air.

And finally, check out that box - what a perfect way to present the gift.

Hand Painted Espresso Cups From Deruta, Italy

Romantic gift can be something for you two to do together. So how about drinking morning espresso from these handmade espresso cups?

These ceramic pieces of art are fired and decorated in Deruta village located in the heart of Italy. This picturesque place is famous for its unique, colourful hand decoration style. It is even known worldwide as 'Deruta ceramics'.

As with many things that are made by Italian families that pass on their skills from generation to generation - it challenging to find where to buy it. Some speciality Italian ceramic shops might stock it, but mostly it is an excellent reason to visit this place during your next holidays in Italy.

However, if you are in the US, we have a local partner with a warehouse ready to ship it out to you in a jiffy. See our Italian expresso cup shop.

Luckenbooth Love Quaich From Scotland

Although men mainly romanticise Scotland for its battles, brave-hearted actors and whiskey, there is also has a more feminine story to it.

Love quaich (kweɪx) is a traditional decorative drinking cup given as a romantic present for over 400 years. Initially designed and crafted as an engagement present for the Mary Queen Of Scots in 1558, and is still very popular today.

As per the original design, in the middle, we have two intertwining hearts that are united by a crown at the top. And the text reads a romantic vow - 'Of Earthly Joys Thou Art My Choice' (You are my choice from all of life's joys).

Luckenbooth is a Scottish word for a lockable stall or a workshop, which started (and can still be visited today) near St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh.

To order yours, handmade and in traditional silver, use Scotts Connection shop.

Personalised Chopping Board, From England

Chopping boards are a great gift. They are frequently used, which works as a reminder about how amazing boyfriend or husband you are. Ok, on a serious side, I do like them because often they tend to be displayed as a decoration in the kitchen. It is a sweet detail to any home decor and if it happens to be romantic expression of your relationship it is even better.

I like personalised chopping boards from Sophia Victoria Joy who has number of interesting shapes for you to choose from. You can go for the heart shaped chopping board, but other shapes are really sweet too. Most importantly, it is nice to see couple's name engraved - an idea how to keep it romantic without being too corny. If you are not married that it is not a problem either. Just come up with a name that unites you, like 'Partners In Crime', 'Hot Lovers' or 'The Adventurers'.

Heart Shaped Le Creuset, Made In Country Of Love - France

This is an idea for those who like the 'heart shaped gift' idea. You don't need to settle for the board, you can also find other interesting gifts. Le Creuset, for example makes heart shaped iron cast pots. They are special for quite a few reasons.

Firstly, it is about the colours. The company specialises in producing variety of unique colours that will supplement any kitchen. Often you can choose the products by the colour when browsing their website.

Secondly, it is a great item to have in any kitchen. There is a huge following in iron cast cooking and if you or your better half is not part of it then this could be the catalyst to join in. There are loads of communities on social media to get inspiration from. And the good thing - you will also enjoy the food.

And lastly, it is made in France. It is not only perfume that can be proudly French.

A Very Special Ring From Switzerland

Yes, that's the ring reflecting that text on the objects around. It is magical as you can personalise that message for up to 6 characters. I would probably go for initials of you two, or a special date, or (to make it more Jason Bourne romantic) put GPS co-ordinates of the place you first kissed.

How it works is quite special too. This is a reflection of mini engravings on the ring with diamond lining. It is not noticeable on the ring itself but the light (sunlight is the best) is reflected from it to spell out your special message to the loved one.

Made in Switzerland it is relying of the well known craftsmanship of Swiss jewellers and innovation of the new generation. The Ray is the innovative team behind it. Exceptional, but it does come at a price of 'from €2,000'.

Romance is not always easy, but it can be worth it


It is not always easy to be romantic. But, with some thought, on what your loved-one cares and appreciates, you can get there.

These gift ideas tell a story about the makers and their values - can you match it with her?

It is my hope that the touch Europe can also make these gift ideas more interesting and special. There is a lot of romantic excitement about European countries - and for the right reasons. So, use it to your advantage.


Germany is the known for its engineering innovation and quality. Discover what is made in Germany these days.


Making your hunt for gift ideas easy. Let us give you some exciting ideas from Italy.

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Italian coffee experience can take so many shapes. It can be due to the beans, Moka pot or a name, But what about classic espresso cups?


We spent years searching the web, artisan shops and visiting variety of makers in Europe. Find out what we discovered to help your gift hunting.

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