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Unique Wine Openers

from Europe

It's not about how much it cost, but what story does it tell to you and to your guests

These days we can buy anything we want. There are gazillion of choices for any product you want to buy, at a wide range of price points. You can find a wine opener for 3 dollars or for 300......so what's the difference?

Some wine openers are more special than others. They work differently, they feel differently and they tell different stories. They talk about where they come from and who do they belong. Discover the story that fits you.


Wine Opener Types - What's The Difference?

Although there are many companies making wine openers, they mostly can be put into five or six categories. Here are the types of wine openers that are most commonly used these days.

Having spent years using these wine openers,

I feel I can share my thoughts so far:


It's really big and unusual. Learn why it is also every cyclist's must have. Made in Italy


The most versatile and with two very useful features. There is a reason why it is most popular amongst waiters. Made in Spain


The most intimidating, yet really easy to use, especially by gentler hands. Really stands out above the rest. Made in France


Best Wine Openers in 2021

We judged the best wine openers by their quality and uniqueness. Vigorous testing involved opening large number of bottles and not only on the weekends.

Of course, our suggestions come from European makers who also have an interesting diner story for you to share.

How To Use Wine Openers - Different Types Explained

It is easy to use wine openers once one knows how.

But is also depends on what type of wine opener you have. Let's not embarrass ourselves and get a good idea before that all-import-date.


Five Unique Gift Ideas For Wine Lovers

Wine lovers are a tough crowd. They already spent awfully a lot of time on the wine subject. But so did we.


Thinking Of Gifts - Which Wine Opener Comes With The Most Impressive Box?

When planning a gift it is good to know which of our recommended wine openers come in impressive boxes. Watch this video to see what I mean.


The Story Of Laguiole

Laguiole is an establishment in France. Its history of over 150 years left a lot of memories amongst its followers. Here is a quick history about what makes it so special.

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Europeans love their wine and there are surprisingly unique ways of opening them too.

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Scottish have a unique culture, environment and things they make. Discover more exciting stories.

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Italian gift can be very special. People love the craftsmanship, design and the story.

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